M/studio is an architecture firm based in Copenaghen (Denmark), Venezia and Genova (Italy) founded in 2020 by Arch. Andrea Sforzin and Arch.Fabrizio Giannachi.



We try to provide a contemporary vison of architecture, basing our projects on sustainability and interdisciplinarity.



M/studio architecture is involved in all the scales of design, from urban planning to interior design, passing through everything in between,  and above all, the mission as architects and human beings is to create public architecture and spaces for the people of today and tomorrow



You can find out more about us and our studio here

M/studio architecture_arch. Andrea Sforzin + arch.Fabrizio Giannachi_est.2020 Copenaghen Denmark_Venezia Genova Italy _ Winner of the FUTURA competition financed by PNRR_EU for the construction of a new school building in Treviso_ 3rd Place with mention in 2022 in the competition for the design of a school complex in Folignano (AP) Italy.